Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge

SEN support for Parents

There are a number of sources of further information, help and advice available for parents of children with Special Educational Needs.

Please ask for help in school by speaking to  your class teacher, anyone from the SEND team or by following the links below:

Cheshire East Live Well:

Access the full range of Services avaliable in Cheshire East:


Children with Disabilities Short Breaks Team:

The CWD (Children with Disabilities) Short Breaks Team support children and young people with additional needs and disabilities aged 0 – 18 and their parents/carers.

They provide advice and support about short break provider groups and activities across Cheshire East which can be done via telephone or email or they can arrange a Short Break home visit.

They also manage Early Help Individual Payments (EHIPs), which form part of the Cheshire East Local Offer. The purpose of EHIPs is to provide Parent/ Carers with a short break from their caring responsibilities.


Cheshire East Information Advice and Support offer a range of confidential services to parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Cheshire East:


Cheshire East Parents and Carers Voice is a group of parents, carers and professionals who aim to enable parents' views and experiences to improve services and outcomes for our children and young people.


Space4Autism are an Autism charity who support children and adults with Autism and their families.


Cheshire Autism Support Team (CEAT) are a small school-focused team of teaching and support staff with considerable experience and qualifications in the field of autism. They provide specialist support for children in years 1 to 13 attending Cheshire East schools via the School Consultation model. 

CEAT Website

Contact a Family are a national organisation providing comprehensive support and advice about a wealth of isses surrounding special eduactional needs.


Just Drop In run a variety of training workshops specifically for parents, which are free and take place throughout the year. 


Autistic girls network are a small registered charity working to support, educate and bring change. 


The Sleep Charity is a charity that supports children and their families with sleep difficulties. 


Ruby's Fund is a charity that supports children aged 0-18 years with special educational needs and their families in Cheshire East. 


Navigate provide emotional support for parents and carers of disabled children who have recently been diagnosed. 


Visyon is a charity that supports the emotional health of children, young people and their families in Cheshire East. 


ADHD Foundation is a charity that provides information and support. 


CAMHS Advice Line is an advice line that parents can call for advice and support regarding their childs mental health. The advice line is open Monday - Friday, 5pm - 10pm and 12pm - 8pm during the weekend. 01244 397644


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Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
