Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge


Given what we have been through and are still going through, wellbeing has never been more important. 

This page has general wellbeing and support advice; click here for our Coronavirus page


Monkey Bob has been used successfully with parents and professionals alike to encourage children to engage with their feelings.  Take a look around the site now to find out how Monkey Bob can help your child

This resource has been developed by My CWA - Cheshire Without Abuse.

Details of parent/carer webinars that are available, please click here

We understand how difficult it can be trying to talk to children about their feelings towards big events in their lives. We are often asked about how much to tell children, how and when to talk to them, and how we can feel prepared for challenging conversations. Please use the list of resources and helpful websites.

For children who have additional needs, or who need specific tools and social stories, our Owlery team have collated resources here. The Cheshire East Autism team have also put together some resources here.


ChildMind: Talking to Children


Childline - coping with anxiety


Emotional Health Resources:


Young Minds:


CAMHS Resources:


CBBC: Video and Questions

Young Minds: Feeling Anxious about Coronavirus

ELSA: Coronavirus Story for Children

Smiling Mind is a great mindfulness app/website for the whole family (Age 7+).   Many children use Smiling Mind in class as a way to help calm and focus their brains and bodies https://www.smilingmind.com.au/ 

Cosmic Kids combines Yoga and mindfulness for kids ages 3+. This is a great resource and many children have experience of using it in UK classrooms https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga


There are also some great books to support

  • Books Something Bad Happened: A Kid’s Guide to Coping with events in the News. How to process different world events by Dawn Huebner (Ages 6-12).
  • What To Do When You’re Scared & Worried: A Guide for Kids. A help guide to processing fears and worries by James J Crist (Ages 9-13) 
  • Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud - Encourages positive behaviour and expressing kindness and appreciation
  • How are you Peeling: Foods with Moods Saxton Freymann & Joost Elffers Explores how emotions look through pictures of Foods. Despite the title it is a good way to talk about emotions with young kids.
  • The Way I Feel by Janan Cain Explores Feelings. A good way to talk about emotions with young children. 

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Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
