Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge

Reception Work Week commencing 18th May

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 3:44pm

Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Miss Larkins’ group is now GIRAFFES  

Mr Walker’s group is now TIGERS  

Mrs Thomas’ group is now ELEPHANTS  

Remember to write about your Naughty Bus antics!

If you cannot print out the cards or worksheets for phonics, then have a look at them and do something similar or look at other phonics activities online with the sound of the day.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and we are following the theme of kindness. Click here for some activities related to this. If you complete the activities, let your class teacher know.


PE - Kids Daily Workout live at 9am 

Home Phonics:

Giraffes: Blending with 'o'  Lesson 4 

Tigers and elephants:

Recap long 'oo' sound lesson 5


Well this is the last week of the Naughty Bus, we hope you have enjoyed the antics that your bus has been getting up to. Can you write a few sentences about what your bus has done?  Some children have had lots of fun with their bus and it has been shared with us. Use high frequency words and tricky words in your writing.

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club

Maths - Doubling

Recap on what doubling is. Use hands to show what is on one side is also on the other.  Show doubling number sentences.

e.g. 4+4=8

Double number to 10, or for those who can, double numbers to 20.

Have a go at some things that require doubling. Choose a couple of them to complete.

Some suggestions are:

*Outside – have hoops or chalk circles and double the number that the adult says of things in the hoop or circle (place 5 sticks in it - the children have to get another 5 to double it…)

*Pick a number card and double it with objects…

*Part, Part, Whole with items in the circles. 

*Children have A5 size paper and then fold it in half and then write a number on each half (same number) to create a doubling sheet.  Can they work out the answer to the sheet?

Can do this with spots of paint too. This will show a visual for doubling. Dot paint blobs on one half of the paper, fold in half to squash the paint to the other side (doubling the blobs).  Write a number sentence.

Ladybird Doubles work sheet


Log into Charanga using your wonde card or login details, and have a look at the Big Bear Funk tasks set. Hopefully it worked last week… Work through what you like from there.  There are also some song packages there too.  Enjoy.


PE - Kids Daily Workout live at 9am  

Home Phonics:

Giraffes: Blending with 'b' Lesson 5  

Tigers and Elephants:

Recap short 'oo'  

Literacy and Maths

The Naughty Bus went into the pond in the story.  Can you find your naughty bus anywhere? Has it gone out into the garden? See if you can find it and rescue it.  You might want to play a game with your grown up as they may know where it is.  Can you use the words forward, backwards to find it?  How many steps forwards? To the left? Can you hide it again and write or say some instructions for someone else to find it?

Perhaps you can find some friends for your bus.  What type of friends would it have? Other modes of transport? Teddy bears? Can you write some number sentences for it? Find ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ if you were to add or take away any of his friends.

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club


Using large card sheet or area of the garden or patio, design a pond. 

Draw or paint picture of what might be in the pond.

Find items from around the gardern to make something that looks like a pond.

They could record their finding using mark making.  They could draw images or mark sounds on the sheet. They could add labels to the different areas of the pond.

Have a look online at the different things that can be found in a pond.  Can you draw them?


Go outside on a windy day – we have had quite a few of those recently, but I bet today won’t be one!  You can always save this for another windy day, or just talk about your child’s knowledge of what a windy day is like. Let the children have fun with windy toys. Talk about what is happening to the toys. Ask: How do you feel in the wind?

Back inside, read the story The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins or watch it on YouTube

Collect ideas from this story about the wind. Think about words associated with wind by asking them to remember what the wind is like. Can they sound out some of the words they think of?  They could draw a picture of the wind in the middle of a page and then write some words associated with it.

Play a game using ribbon streamers outside – perhaps make up a dance with a streamer (this can just be any piece of material)…


PE - Kids Daily Workout live at 9am  

Home Phonics:

Giraffes: Blending with 'i' Lesson 6   

Tigers and Elephants:

Recap 'ar'


Yesterday, the Naughty Bus was outside and probably got quite dirty.  Read the story up to 'Nobody likes a dirty bus.'

How do you bath a dirty bus? Discuss how we prepare for bath time.

Wash your dirty bus outside or in the sink. Are your other toys dirty too?

Discuss why we have to have clean things.

Write about bathing the Naughty Bus. 3 differentiated worksheets.

Hard - Write in full

Medium – write sentences.

Easy – cut out the sentences and stick in correct order

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club


Cross the pond game


Have a go at making one of these origami pond creatures.

Frog instructions here - Video here

Butterfly instructions here - Video here

Fish instructions here - Video here


PE - Kids Daily Workout live at 9am  


GIRAFFES – practise listening to cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words, eg cat, mat, sat bat etc and writing them down hearing all the sounds you can – do this with an adult. Write the sentence: I can see a… 

TIGERS  & ELEPHANTS – Recap 'or' 


The Naughty Bus has been up to no good in your teacher’s house, too.  Can you read the sentences and match each of them to the pictures?

Easier Sheet 

Harder Sheet

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club

Maths – Halving

Have a look and talk through the halving powerpoint.

Cut out the cards and then read them carefully to match the right ones together.


Log in to purple mash, click on your red, 2dos button.You should see a design and make activity where you can print out a net for some vehicles, including a bus! Or try clicking here. You could, alternatively, have a go at making a junk model of a method of transport.


PE - Kids Daily Workout live at 9am  


PhonicsPlay resources are currently free

username: march20
password: home

GIRAFFES – Phonicsplay online – play some of the games in the phase 2 section 

TIGERS - Phonicsplay online – play some of the games in the phase 3 section 

ELEPHANTS – Phonicsplay online – play some of the games in the phase 3 or phase 4 section 


Superwrite document download here (or write on a page from your writing book).   

Look at the picture.

Describe it verbally in sentences.  What can you see?  What is happening? Children to write their own sentences based on the picture without any adult help.  Afterwards, if they would like to, they can ‘fix it’ with an adult.   

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club


Show the Real Life halving PowerPoint.

Cut out and split the pirate treasure in half


All our children know that Friday afternoon is ALWAYS FIX IT FRIDAY!  Ask them, they will tell you!  This is when we don’t have anything organised for the children: we have things to fix.  If we have missed something through the week, or need to improve on something this is the time that we do it. Either have a rest, play or go back and complete something from the planning that you haven’t done. 

And finally, to calm everything down scroll to the bottom of the page or click here for Cosmic Kids Yoga

Don't forget to read some books on Bug Club


Files to Download


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
