Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge

Friday 24th April

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 7:56pm

Well Done Year 3! You have completed the first week of the summer term. Thank you for all your lovely emails. We have loved seeing your writing and pirate pictures this week. If you haven't your work to us yet then please do as we would like to see it. 

Have a great weekend!  

From Mrs Thompson, Mrs Ranson and Miss Bedford


  • Spend 20 minutes reading independently. You can choose to read your own book, a school book, a bug club book, magazine, newspaper or comic. Pick something you will enjoy and spend the time reading for pleasure. 

Times Table Rock Stars

  • Spend 15 minutes practising your times tables.


Grammar Task

  • Login to purple mash. In you ‘2 Do’ list you have been allocated an activity to complete using your knowledge of apostrophes. It is called ‘Jane’s Monster’


Maths Task

  • We have come to the end of our unit on Time.
  • We would like you to complete pages 58 – 60 in your Maths No Problem Workbook as this is a review of the topic.
  • Once completed you can mark your work to find out how you did.
  • How have you found the topic? Use the statements below to help you.


I have been able to complete all/most of the activities independently.

I have been able to complete some of the activities independently.

I have needed some support to complete the activities.

I have needed lots of support to complete the activities.


  • Please let us know how your child has found time. We would be grateful if you could you email the statement that is most relevant and feel free to add any other comments on how they have found the unit.

hthompson@ivybank.cheshire.sch.uk   jbedford@ivybank.cheshire.sch.uk

Writing Task

  • Complete the pirate themed word search and then write each word in a sentence using an expanded noun phrase. (See ‘files to download’ section)
  • Write your sentences in your home learning book.
  • Remember your sentences need to be Year 3 sentences so try to include: conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, exciting openers and punctuation.
  • If you can, use joined up handwriting.  

Creative Task

For something different have a go at one of these creative activities or both if you have time over the weekend.

 Art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5o93Ei1sYI

Watch the video on how to draw a pirate then have a go yourself. We would love to see your creations so send us a picture if you can.

Music: watch the Year 3 music lesson on the BBC bitesize page. You are going to be learning about singing. There are videos and activities to try.





User: student6994   Password: flyer15


Purple Mash:


Individual username and passwords



Files to Download


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
