Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge

Friday 22nd May

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 2:20pm

Well done Year 3! You have made it to half term. You have all been working so hard at home and we are enjoying seeing all your amazing work. We hope you have a lovely week off and hopefully we will be all back in school very soon. 

From Mrs Thompson, Ms Ranson and Miss Bedford smiley


Spend 20 minutes reading independently. You can choose to read your own book, a school book, a bug club book, magazine, newspaper or comic. Pick something you will enjoy and spend the time reading for pleasure. 

Grammar Task

Complete the grammar mat which is in the 'files to download' section. You will need to use different year 3 skills to answer the questions about the picture. Record your answers in your home learning book.

Maths Task

Watch this video to find out about 3D shapes.

Link to video – What are 3D shapes?

Your questions for today are in the ‘files to download’ section. You are recognising and describing 3D shapes.

Once you have finished you can use the answers to check if you are correct. 

Challenge: Can you make any 3D shapes? Watch the video to help.

Link to video – Making 3D shapes

Writing Task

Today you are going to write an acrostic poem using the words Ivy Bank Primary School. Have a look at the lesson notes in the ‘file to download’ section.


Today should have be Sports Day! 

As we are not all in school at the moment,  Macclesfield Town Community Sports Trust have set up the 'Joy of Home Moving Festival'. You should have had an email from school with more information about it but there are more details in the booklet in the 'files to download' section. (Please don't print it out as it is a long booklet, just use the ideas!)

Inside the booklet is a variety of tasks and challenges for you to complete including a Scavenger hunt, warm up activates, word searches and activities on healthy eating. All these activities are fun and engaging for all ages. So the whole family can join in and it should keep you busy all afternoon!! 



User: student6994   Password: flyer15


Purple Mash:


Individual username and passwords


Files to Download


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
